Mint Ice Cream

Mint Ice Cream

I am always looking for something fun to do with the abundance of mint in our garden and eggs from our chickens. This recipe happens to be quite...

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Cucumber Salad

Cucumber Salad

This is my daughter’s creation and our favorite family recipe to make together. She loves cucumbers with lemon juice and sea salt as a snack. On...

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Watermelon-Mint Shrub

Watermelon-Mint Shrub

This flavor combination is one of my favorites. It’s fresh and is the perfect mix of sweet and tangy. Please prepare... 4 cups coarsely chopped ...

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Sprouting Edible Seeds

Sprouting Edible Seeds

I had a close relationship with our home garden on the dairy farm. My mom would take me to the garden store to buy seeds and plants galore. My mem...

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Strawberry Kefir Milkshake

Strawberry Kefir Milkshake

You can find more recipes like this in our Sourcebook! With blazing summer heat fast approaching, strawberry fields will be overflowing in the mon...

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Fermented Honey Cranberries

Fermented Honey Cranberries

MAKES 1 QUART With a little prep and a lot of patience, these fermented honey cranberries become the perfect addition to a holiday-inspired meal ...

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Coconut Yogurt

Coconut Yogurt

    Most store bought coconut yogurt has extra fillers like gums and carrageenan. I like to make my coconut yogurt with fresh Thai young coconu...

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Making Herbal Oils

Making Herbal Oils

This recipe comes from our Sourcebook! Herbal oils can be used as is or as the base of many homemade personal-care products. There are two main ...

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Calendula-Rose Body Oil

Calendula-Rose Body Oil

Water is the best moisturizer for your skin. The problem is, water quickly evaporates and leaves your skin drier than it started. In order to get ...

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