Sawtooth Star Quilt with Karrie Crane
Karrie Crane lives on what she lovingly calls “the most used acre”, meaning she doesn’t live on a full-blown ranch or farm, but rather a plot of land that she makes the most of. She spends her time growing veggies, herbs and dye plants, and raising goats, chickens, and occasionally turkeys, as well as hiking with her husband and children. She started rancho quilting a couple of years ago as a combination of two of her loves - making plant dyes and sewing. She learned to quilt from her grandmother and the stunning creations she makes are all one of a kind. We are so honored to share her Sawtooth Star Quilt pattern how to with you all!
The Sawtooth Star has been known by many names and can be incorporated into many different quilt patterns. We love that it can be easily scaled to different sizes multiple blocks together makes a fun and cheerful quilt.

Materials needed:
Fabric for the star points (FABRIC 1)
Fabric the square in the center of the star (FABRIC 2)
Background fabric (FABRIC 3)
Supplies needed:
Sewing machine or hand-sewing needle
Cotton thread
Rotary cutter or sharp scissors (or fabric scissors)
Cutting mat (if you are using a rotary cutter)
Fabric marking pen or chalk (fabric marking pens wash out with water or heat)
Ruler or straight edge
Iron and board
Important notes:
Use a quarter inch seam allowance
Remember to mark your sewing lines before stitching
Iron every thing flat before cutting or sewing
Cut list:
Cut (8) 3.5” x3.5” squares (These will be referred to as piece A)
Cut (1) 6.5” x 6.5” square (Piece B)
Cut (4) 3.5” x 3.5” squares (Piece C)
Cut (4) 6.5” x 3.5” rectangles (Piece D)
With your straight edge and marking tool, mark each of the (8) squares piece A squares from fabric 1 with a diagonal line from one corner to the opposite corner.
Cutting and Sewing:
The Sawtooth Star block is pieced together with Flying Geese Units surrounding the larger central square. You will need (4) flying geese units in total (per each block you’re making).

Lay a piece A on top of a piece D (right sides facing each other). Sew along the diagonal line.
With your straight edge and ruler, measure out a ¼” seam allowance from your sew line and trim off the excess fabric at that point.
Open the seam and press the piece flat with your iron.
Take another piece A and lay it on top of the same piece D you’ve been working with (right sides facing). Sew along the diagonal line.
With a ¼” seam allowance, cut off the excess fabric in the same way you did with the other side.
Open seam and press.
You now have a Flying Geese unit! Repeat the process above until you have (4) units in total.
Building the Block
The last few steps consist of assembling your final pieces into the star.

Lay a piece C on top of a flying geese block (right sides facing) so that the edges line up on one side. Mark your ¼” seam.
Sew and press open.
Repeat with another piece C on the other side of the same flying geese block.
Repeat steps 1—3 to create another long flying geese row.
Take one of the remaining two flying geese units and lay on top of piece B (right sides facing). Line up edges and mark your ¼” seam.
Sew and press open.
Repeat steps 5—6 on the opposite side of piece B.
Now take one of your longer flying geese rows that you created in steps 1—3. Place on top of your piece B unit, edges lined and right sides facing. Mark a ¼” seam.
Sew and press open.
Repeat step 8—9 with the last flying geese row on the opposite side.
Now you have your finished Sawtooth Star block!